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2025 Senior Player Registration

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Please note...

This page is for registration of the Newport Seniors Rugby Club rather than the Newport Junior Rugby Club.

Registrations for new rugby players from U6’s to U18’s are through the Newport Junior Rugby Club.  You can find the instructions for Junior's registration here:

Want to Play Rugby with the Breakers in 2025?

Please contact to register your interest to play.


All Registrations this year are via Rugby Xplorer 


There has been a significant change in the rugby registration process...

All players, coaches, managers and volunteers for your club will now register themselves via the Rugby Xplorer Phone App.

The rego information entered in Xplorer will flow through to Fusesport - so NOTHING CHANGES for your club registrar or scorers. All will be done in Fuseport just as before – contact lists, scoring, team lists, ladders, etc.

The only change is that those registering need to make a one-off visit to the Rugby Xplorer App at the time of registration. That is the only interaction Subbies clubs and players need to have with Xplorer.

All players must be registered to be able to play during Season 2025 This includes playing trial matches and will ensure you’re covered by Rugby Australia's Players Insurance.

Regos are now open.

A New Rego Process:

Registering to play via the Rugby Xplorer App is a straightforward process done via an app on your phone.

Here are the steps to follow:


Each player, coach & volunteer must download the Rugby Xplorer App (Phone) from either


Apple:                                           or:         Android:                  

 Step 2   

Open App and choose "More" (bottom right)

 Step 3   

Choose "Register"

 Step 4   

Check if you have a Rugby Xplorer account by entering your email

Follow the steps to create one, if required

 Step 5   Then select "Play Rugby"

 Step   Search for "Newport Rugby Club" as your Club and hit Next.

 Step 7   Choose Role: Player, Manager, etc. (Do NOT select “Training Only Participant”)

 Step 8   Registration Type is: "XVs Sydney Rugby & Suburban"

 Step 9   Duration is "Season"

Note: The Fusesport App is NOT required for registering this year.

But if you need to install it and use it for scores etc, then instructions are here.

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Player Fees for 2025

The fees for this year have risen slightly to $300 (which includes Membership of Pittwater RSL)

We still think this is very reasonable when most other clubs are charging well in excess of this.

And it will still be one of the lowest, if not the lowest regos across Subbies

But a "No pay - No play" rule will be applied as it is very unfair for some to pay when many don't.

The Ladies playing fee was $100 last year and we'll shortly let you know if it's changed.

What the 2025 fees cover will also be detailed here soon.

Last year we ran a "550 Club" allowing a player to be sponsored by a business or individual

This year it becomes the "600 Club"

We ask that  you try to pay your fees at preseason training

Many have already done so...

You can pay your fees either via electronic funds transfer,

or eftpos at the club/training, or cash.


For Electronic Funds Transfer

Newport Rugby Club

BSB 082-116

Account #63760 2084

Please put your name in for us to reference.

Happy Days!

© 2025 by Newport Rugby Club. Proudly created with

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